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Ask Dr. Universe Podcast | How Do You Science
Meet an Environmental Archeologist
Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe. If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world. Today I’m talking to WSU environmental archeologist John Blong.
- Hear what environmental archeology is
- Learn about fossilized poop—AKA coprolites—and what they reveal to scientists
- Find out when the first people came to North America
Resources You Can Use
- Follow these interactive digs or talk to your grownup about skyping with a scientist from the Archaeological Institute of America
- Check out these famous archeologists
- Run through these archeology lessons or show them to your teacher
As always, submit burning questions at Who knows where your questions will take us next.
Why in the world is the ice that polar bears depend on melting?
Dear Maeve,
There’s just something special about those powerful, snow-white polar bears. That’s probably why it’s so hard to learn about what’s happening to their habitat.
I talked about that with my friend Anthony Pagano. He used to work with the grizzlies at Washington State University’s Bear Center. He studies polar bears in Alaska.
He told me that scientists classify polar bears as marine mammals—like whales, dolphins and other mammals that live in the ocean.
“They’re reliant on the sea ice that occurs over the Arctic Ocean,” he said. “They use the ice as a platform to catch seals.”
Polar bears spend … » More …
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What happens to the pill capsules after you swallow the pill?
Dear Avery,
I think it’s really cool when a clear pill has teeny tiny balls of medication inside it. My paws itch to bat it around—but I know medicine isn’t a toy, so I sharpen my claws on my desk and then get back to answering your questions.
I asked my friend Damianne Brand-Eubanks what happens after you swallow one of those capsules. She teaches in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Washington State University. She’s an expert on medication.
She told me that the outside of a pill capsule is usually made of gelatin. That’s the same stuff that’s in … » More …
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Why do bees make honey?
Dear Gabby,
As a science cat, I don’t stir honey into my tea or drizzle it on my biscuits. I don’t have taste receptors for sweet things. Honey doesn’t have a taste to me.
But my human friends gobble up the honey made by the Washington State University bees. I asked my friend Rae Olsson why bees make that sticky stuff in the first place. Olsson is an insect scientist.
It turns out honey is the way honey bees store food for the winter.
“Just like we store food in our refrigerators and pantries, bees turn nectar from flowers into honey, so it … » More …
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Why are heart attacks so dangerous?
Dear Jack,
When I go to the veterinarian for a checkup, one of the first things they do is listen to my heart. They want to make sure it’s healthy because it pumps blood to my whole body.
I asked my friend Zhaokang Cheng about heart attacks. He’s a scientist at Washington State University. He works on new medicines to help people who have heart attacks or heart disease.
He told me that a heart attack happens when a big blood vessel that delivers blood to the heart gets blocked. Those blood vessels are called coronary arteries.
They get blocked when fatty gunk … » More …
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What caused the first mass extinction on Earth?
Dear Aayush,
It’s sad when living things go extinct. That means they’re gone forever. I think about extinct unicorns all. the. time.
My friend Jodi Rosso told me that a mass extinction is when a huge number of species die out all at once. She teaches earth science at Washington State University.
“There are periods when a whole lot of animals and plants die off in a short time,” Rosso said. “When we say a short time, we mean less than 2 million years. From a human perspective, that’s forever. But in geologic time, that’s short.”
Groups of living things are always expanding … » More …
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What happens if we drink too much water?
Dear Joseph,
As an early-rising science cat, I always lap up a bowl of coffee in the morning. After that, I drink fresh water from a cat fountain I keep near my desk.
But what if I drink too much of that thirst-quenching liquid?
I asked my friend Karen Anders if that can happen. She teaches nursing at Washington State University.
She told me that drinking too much water can cause a rare condition called water intoxication.
It’s rare because it doesn’t happen very often. Even if you guzzle lots of water, your kidneys can probably process it. You might feel sloshy and … » More …
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Why do we get fidgety when we’re bored?
Dear Amelia,
Sometimes when I’m in a boring meeting, my tail starts twitching. Or I gently rock my office chair.
I asked my friend Amanda Stueber why that helps me. She’s a psychologist at Washington State University. One thing she studies is attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
She told me that boredom happens when you have less stimulation. That means you don’t have much information coming in from your senses. Like what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel.
When there’s no new or interesting info coming in, you start to feel bored and tired. The less stimulation you have, the sleepier you get.
… » More …
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What causes the northern lights?
Dear Sebastian,
For many people, seeing the northern lights is the ultimate bucket list item. Lately, experiencing them has gotten a whole lot easier.
I asked my friend Michael Allen about those dancing green and pink lights. He’s an astronomer at Washington State University.
He told me that, along with its light, the sun emits charged particles—mostly protons and electrons. Those particles freely stream into space. Then, some of them bump into Earth’s magnetic field.
Earth has a magnetic field because there’s molten iron in its core. As the liquid metal moves and flows, it makes a giant magnet. The magnet is … » More …
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What is cancer?
Dear Austin,
I love a predictable schedule. Knowing when to eat, sleep and answer your questions keeps me chill.
That how the cells that make up our bodies work, too. They grow and die on a predictable schedule. Our bodies constantly make new cells to replace the ones that die. They grow for a set time and then die, too.
But sometimes cells grow out of control. They may grow faster or for a longer time than normal cells. They ignore the signals that tell a cell it’s time to die. They can even spread to other parts of the body and start growing … » More …
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How many atoms are in a leaf?
Dear Lily,
I love thinking about things I can’t see with just my eyes. Like the atoms that make up everything.
I asked my friend Fred Gittes how to figure out the number of atoms in a leaf. He’s a physicist at Washington State University.
He showed me a worksheet he gives his students. It included a question exactly like yours!
“It’s a question I assign college students for fun,” Gittes said.
So, you’re in great company when you ponder big questions like this.
We decided to use stoichiometry to find the answer. That’s a kind of math that scientists do to understand … » More …
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